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Welcome to the Commanderie de Bordeaux, Dallas-Fort Worth Chapter’s Website!


I am excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website -- one that is designed to create a user-friendly browsing experience to access password-protected information such as our Chapter’s membership and activities, all at your fingertips.  We will be (frequently) updating our content with helpful information on resources, announcements, guides and protocols, designed to foster improved communication with our members.  We encourage your feedback about your experience on the website, as we progress into the 21st century.


The DFW Chapter’s main goal is to have FUN and promote camaraderie among its members, while learning about and enjoying wines from the Bordeaux region of France. The Chapter has a variety of events each year. They range from the annual members only general meeting at the beginning of each year (State of the Chapter), to informal gatherings at member’s’ homes, educational events, dinners with visiting Chateaux, a few pop-up events in between where members share their own wines, and, last but not least, to our Annual Induction black tie event in December.  The Chapter maintains an extensive cellar, from regularly purchased to member-donated grand cru wines, and selectively serves older wines from the cellar at dinners.


I would like to thank our Executive Committee, Brian Wilson and Jeannie Jans who donated their time and energy to make this site what it is. For any questions, suggestions, feedback, or comments on the site, please email Brian at


Finally, I am extremely pleased with the growth of our Chapter as we continue to share our enthusiasm and passion for Bordeaux!  If you have an interest in joining the Commanderie, please give me a call at: 214-356-6244.


Votre Santé,


Rick Currey


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